9D Breathwork Journey
:: Book :: Group Sessions :: In Person ::

ALL 9D Breathwork Journeys
Are truly unique and powerful. 
Whether in person or online,
Each Journey offers you space to have a deeply personal experience compared to none other.

Our In Person Group sessions take this experience to an ever expanding level as the Group dynamic allows for deepening discussions with an opportunity to connect & unfold, refine & recalibrate new growth & awareness together, 
to your own comfort level.

We currently offer these Group Experiences in local studios & upon request for corporate offices as well as private events. 

For in person groups, we currently offer up to 12 guests per Journey, 
as we provide the 9D exclusive dynamic 
noise canceling headsets required for the full immersion experience. 

Please allow a full two hours of uninterrupted time committed 
To go ALL IN 
To allow yourself
To experience the full depths of
Your Breathwork Journey.

:: Two hour time frame includes ::

▪️ 20 min brief intro
▪️ Journaling prompts
▪️ Anchoring into intentions 
▪️ Entering into the full depths of the 9D Journey
▪️ After Journey followed by group integration
▪️ Journaling and group discussion
▪️ Sharing your experience to your desired comfort level.

Please Note: Some Journey discussions may go slightly over the two hours, 
depending on the integration & conversations that unfold thereafter.

:: 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 ::

🔹 Your own Yoga Mat+Pillow*
🔹 Optional Bolster & Blankie*
(*depending on location, Yoga Mat+Pillow+Bolster+Blankie may be provided by Studio 
- or - you may desire to bring your own)
🔹Optional - Eye Masks - We have loaners - or you may prefer to bring your own
🔹 Signed Waiver (will be provided upon RSVP)

Got questions? 
Need to know more? 
Reach out anytime ✨🤩🤩🤩

Local In Person Group Session 9D Journeys


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